Lemon Juice to Control Hunger Pains
Lemon Juice to Control Hunger Pains. Lemons contain a high amount of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. Adding lemon juice to water can help to control hunger and when combined with exercise and healthy eating, consuming lemon juice can aid in weight loss.
Lemons contain a high amount of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. Adding lemon juice to water can help to control hunger and when combined with exercise and healthy eating, consuming lemon juice can aid in weight loss.
Lemons are a highly acidic food. Consuming lemon juice or other acidic foods reduces hunger pangs because the acid in lemon juice can slow the digestion of carbohydrates. Slowing the digestion process keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of time.

Vitamin C
The amount of vitamin C in lemon juice can also help to control hunger and cravings. Not only does vitamin C reduce cravings, but there is a strong link between vitamin C and weight loss. According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, individuals who consumed an adequate amount of vitamin C oxidized fat cells quicker than those with lower amounts.
Lemon Juice and Hot Water
Combining lemon juice and hot water is an ideal beverage to suppress hunger as well as to help detoxify the body. Consuming lemon juice cleanses the digestive system, allowing food to digest properly. When the digestive system is functioning at its best, food can be absorbed properly and keep hunger satiated.
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