How to Remove Copperheads With Sulfur
How to Remove Copperheads With Sulfur. That nagging feeling in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe, there's a snake lurking around, hidden in the shrubbery or logs, may not just be a paranoid thought. Stumbling upon a garter snake is one thing, but a copperhead is another. Keeping these poisonous creatures away from you and your family...

That nagging feeling in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe, there's a snake lurking around, hidden in the shrubbery or logs, may not just be a paranoid thought. Stumbling upon a garter snake is one thing, but a copperhead is another. Keeping these poisonous creatures away from you and your family involves precautionary measures mixed with repelling measures. Once you have removed the copperheads, you can finally walk through your yard without fear.
Things You'll Need
Moth crystals
Sprinkle powdered sulfur and moth crystals in cracks and around other openings throughout your house (such as below outside doors) and in the parts of your yard snakes frequent. Use the sulfur and moth crystals separately or combine using equal parts.
Clear up yard debris, such as wood piles, and apply sulfur to the area.
Mow your lawn regularly and apply sulfur and other snake repellents to areas where you have spotted snakes. Reapply at your own discretion whenever the sulfur smell begins to die down.
Combine equal parts cat litter and mothballs. Spread the mixture around areas of your home where the copperheads tend to enter, or you fear they could enter.
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