My Grape Leaves Are Turning Yellow in June
My Grape Leaves Are Turning Yellow in June. Grapevines are grown for their ornamental value and their fruit. Grapes are the most widely grown commercial fruit crop around the world as well as among the most popular homegrown fruits, as cited by the Purdue Cooperative Extension. A fungal disease leads to yellowing foliage in summer.

Grapevines are grown for their ornamental value and their fruit. Grapes are the most widely grown commercial fruit crop around the world as well as among the most popular homegrown fruits, as cited by the Purdue Cooperative Extension. A fungal disease leads to yellowing foliage in summer.
Grapevines are susceptible to powdery mildew caused by Uncinula necator. The Cornell Cooperative Extension cites the disease as the most important fungal grapevine disorder in the world. Varieties of native American grapes are generally less prone to infection as compared to European and French grapes.
Disease symptoms start on grapevines during summer with a dusty or powdery fungal presence on the upper sides of foliage and other areas of the vine. Affected leaves gradually turn yellow to brown and start to fall. As the disease progresses, infection spreads to the fruit. Grapes harden and brown and cease to mature. Small, black fungal fruiting bodies are seen on the fruit.
Grow grapevines in areas of less humidity, good air circulation and good light. Organic control options include the use of sulfur-based fungicides. Other recommended fungicides include azoxystrobin, myclobutanil or fenarimol.
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