What Are the Benefits of Flaxseed Husks?
What Are the Benefits of Flaxseed Husks?. Flaxseed husks are processed through abrasion of the flaxseed core. The husks are used as a dietary supplement because they are high in fiber. These husks can also be ground and used as a replacement for flour in some baking recipes.

Flaxseed husks are processed through abrasion of the flaxseed core. The husks are used as a dietary supplement because they are high in fiber. These husks can also be ground and used as a replacement for flour in some baking recipes.
Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
Flaxseed husks are rich in alpha linolenic acid, which has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Because flaxseed husks also help to keep blood platelets from being sticky, they may also help prevent the possibility of a heart attack.
Improving Digestion
Flaxseed husks also promote a healthy digestive system by providing the body with adequate fiber to ensure that the digestive tract and colon work properly and that wastes are removed from the body efficiently. The fiber in flaxseed also promotes healthy bowels and cleanses the intestines regularly.
Possible Cancer Prevention
Flaxseed husks are also rich in lignan. This antioxidant is believed to be a strong factor in fighting off various diseases. Lignan also binds to estrogen in the body, which can help prevent breast cancer that is triggered by estrogen.
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