What Is Screened Loam & Compost Mixture?
What Is Screened Loam & Compost Mixture?. Loam is often used interchangeably with topsoil. However, a loam is soil with a certain mixture of ingredients such as sand, clay and silt. Buying soil in bulk allows a homeowner to create a mixture that best fits his needs. A reputable landscaping company provides the exact type of soil that a purchaser...

Loam is often used interchangeably with topsoil. However, a loam is soil with a certain mixture of ingredients such as sand, clay and silt. Buying soil in bulk allows a homeowner to create a mixture that best fits his needs. A reputable landscaping company provides the exact type of soil that a purchaser requests.
Screening Soil
Soil is often sold as "screened." This means it was passed through a fine mesh that removes any stones, roots or other debris.
Compost is the decomposed remains of vegetable matter or animal manure. Sometimes the two are mixed together. Commercial compost operations recycle organic material from a wide variety of sources.
Necessary Organic Matter
By mixing the loam and compost together before putting the soil on a yard or in a garden, it ensures that the soil will have sufficient organic material. Up to 30 percent of the soil should be some form of decayed organic matter.
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