When & How Much Should You Prune Knock Out Roses in Georgia?
When & How Much Should You Prune Knock Out Roses in Georgia?. Knock Out Roses are favorites with gardeners for their easy maintenance and long blooming season. In Georgia, they are versatile enough to thrive in all areas of the state. One of the only tasks needed to keep Knock Out Roses looking great year after year is an annual pruning.

Knock Out Roses are favorites with gardeners for their easy maintenance and long blooming season. In Georgia, they are versatile enough to thrive in all areas of the state. One of the only tasks needed to keep Knock Out Roses looking great year after year is an annual pruning.
When to Prune
Prune Knock Out Roses in late February, recommends the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service. The last hard frost typically has occurred by this time, making pruning safe, according to the rose's developer, The Conard-Pyle Company.
How Much to Prune
Prune no more than one-third of the plant at one time, warns University of Georgia extension experts. Remove all damaged limbs or sections of the plant damaged by cold temperatures.
Touch-Up Pruning
Knock Out Roses eventually shed their wilted blooms, but some gardeners prefer to snip those away promptly at mid-season for aesthetic reasons. It's also acceptable to lightly shape the plants during the year, if desired.
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