Floral Meaning of the Rhododendron
Floral Meaning of the Rhododendron. Alluding to its floral colors, “rhododendron” means rose or red tree. Blooming in white and beautiful shades of pink, red, purple, orange and yellow, the bell-shaped rhododendron flowers belie what grows beneath—leaves proven to be poisonous.

Alluding to its floral colors, "rhododendron" means rose or red tree. Blooming in white and beautiful shades of pink, red, purple, orange and yellow, the bell-shaped rhododendron flowers belie what grows beneath—leaves proven to be poisonous.
The rhododendron flower symbolizes caution and danger. According to LivingArtsOriginals.com, the significance of these floral meanings comes from the fact that the rhododendron plant contains toxins, which if ingested are harmful to humans and animals.
Indigenous to diverse regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with abundant growth in South Asia’s Himalayas, the rhododendron is Nepal’s national flower and, in India, Sakkim’s state flower.
Domestic Emblem
The rhododendron is the floral emblem of West Virginia and Washington state.
Over 1,000 species of rhododendrons are in existence. Along with the family name, Ericaceae, certain rhododendron flowers contain scientific names with specific meanings. These include the rhododendron alabamense, which translates to Alabama azalea, and rhododendron calendulaceum, meaning flame azalea. Rhododendrons and azaleas belong to the same floral family.
Although signifying a warning to beware, the shrub encompassing the rhododendron flower remains America’s most popular along with that of the rose, according to Ohio State University.
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