What Fruit Trees Grow the Quickest?
What Fruit Trees Grow the Quickest?. Fast-growing fruit trees are popular choices for many people, as they require less time to mature and bear fruit. Most species have varieties that grow faster than the normal rate.

Fast-growing fruit trees are popular choices for many people, as they require less time to mature and bear fruit. Most species have varieties that grow faster than the normal rate.
How Fast Is Fast?
Fast-growing trees reach maturity earlier than the average for their species, some putting on 3 or more feet in one year. Growth rate varies depending on individual species and type.
Fast-Growing Seed-Fruit Trees
Seed-fruit trees keep their seeds in a core rather than a pit. The Arbor Day Foundation identifies Early Harvest, Golden Delicious and Red Delicious as fast-growing apple varieties. Bartlett, Kieffer and Orient are fast-growing pear trees, as is the Cleveland, which can add 4 feet in one year.

Fast-Growing Stone-Fruit Trees
Stone-fruit trees grow their seeds in a pit, or stone, rather than a core. Four peach varieties make the Arbor Day Foundation's fast-growing list: Belle of Georgia, Elberta, Golden Jubilee and Hale Haven. Early Golden and Moorpark are fast-growing apricots trees. The Myrobalan cherry plum tree, the Purpleleaf Sand cherry, and some wild black cherry types are the fastest cherries.

Fast-Growing Mulberry Trees
The Red Mulberry tree grows 4 to 6 feet per year, to a mature height of 40 to 60 feet.
Fast-Growing Exotic Fruit Trees
Exotics are more specialized than the more common fruit types available in the United States in terms of required growing conditions, usually tropical. Fast-growing types include abiu, Chocolate or Black Sapote, Eggfruit (Canistel), and jackfruit, the largest of all fruits.

Fast-Growing Fruit Tree Care
Fruit trees that grow more rapidly than others of their species may require some adjustments in staking or more food to fuel their growth. However, refer to growing information for your specific plant for care directions.
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