Differences Between Lemons & Limes
Differences Between Lemons & Limes. Members of the citrus family, lemons and limes are fruits used in food and drink preparation. Both grow on trees and cleaning products bear their scents. But what are the real differences between the two?
Members of the citrus family, lemons and limes are fruits used in food and drink preparation. Both grow on trees and cleaning products bear their scents. But what are the real differences between the two?

The most obvious difference between lemons and limes is their color: lemons are yellow, limes are green. Both belong to the family Rutaceae, but the genus and species differ. Lemons fall into the citrus limon genus and species; limes fall into to the citrus aurantifolia species.

Limes originated in Southeast Asia, but the fruit has been introduced to European countries as well as Florida and California, according to Encyclopedia.com. Lemons have been linked to northwestern India, southern Italy, Iraq, Egypt and China, according to Purdue University.

The lemon grows on a tree that may grow to 30 feet tall; limes grow on a shrubby plant growing anywhere from 6.5 to 13 feet.

According to Purdue University, there are seven varieties of limes. Meanwhile, the university lists at least 20 known varieties of lemons.

According to to Ageless, the lime has cooling and astringent properties, while the lemon is aromatic and cooling with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

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