What Flowers Grow in Ireland?
What Flowers Grow in Ireland?. There are several hundred species of wildflowers that grow in Ireland. Flowers can be found all over the island, from the mountains to the sea. Some flowers indigenous of Ireland include the Irish orchid, Kerry lily, love-in-a-mist, flax fairy and groundsel.
There are several hundred species of wildflowers that grow in Ireland. Flowers can be found all over the island, from the mountains to the sea. Some flowers indigenous of Ireland include the Irish orchid, Kerry lily, love-in-a-mist, flax fairy and groundsel.
Irish Orchid
The Irish orchid is a perennial that grows in rocky and sandy places. It is found mostly in Clare and Galway. The petals are dense and the flower is brightly colored.

Kerry Lily
This lily is a perennial and can only be found in Kerry. This wildflower stays close to the ground and has curled leaves. The Kerry lily is a beautiful, dainty white flower.

Love-in-a-mist is a wildflower that blooms in the spring and summer. It grows in various colors, but is primarily blue and purple. Love-in-a-mist is also known for its black seeds.

Flax Fairy
Flax fairy wildflowers have five petals and a yellow center. They are found in grasslands, and bloom from May to September. These flowers are also known as purging flax. If the seeds are eaten in large quantities, it can lead to severe digestive problems.

This flower can grow anywhere, and is often referred to as a weed. It can be found on the tops of walls and even growing near garbage. Groundsel is generally purple or yellow, and is an annual. This flower is also known as grundy swallow and ground glutton.

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